April 30, 2014. This is the third day in a row of my photos being shot with my point and shoot camera, a Canon G11. At LiveWire Sunday night, the shutter in my primary camera failed. It's in the shop, and I hope to be able to get it out after it's fixed - money, you know. Downloading the images to post means having to download photos going back to July. I also have to view them in Canon ImageBrowser (now that I think about it I could use Photoshop's RAW processor), since my usual software is the first edition of Lightroom, which is older than my G11 and doesn't support its files. I do process the individual photos in Photoshop, though. The oldest photos on my memory card were from July 10, 2013, and these are from July 11. Here I am riding bikes with my ex-wife - my ex-wife of just a few hours at this point, freshly divorced. 2013 was a disaster from January. I fucking hate 2013. If I seem a bit fucked up to you, 2013 holds most of the reasons why. Right now, I'm pretty bummed about my camera being broken. It seems like that would have happened in 2013.