Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 2 - Piano Across America

Day 2 - Piano Across America, originally uploaded by Mikey Brick.

Today's project 365 post was quite unexpected. A thrift store in my neighborhood has a very well-endowed mannequin that is sometimes a bit provocatively dressed. This is accompanied by a disheveled appearance from the barely-on clothes to the messy wig which may not be on forward sometimes. I have opined that there may be an employee or volunteer doing it on purpose out of mischief, or there may be a sweet, somewhat batty older lady with little regard for detail or modesty keeping the mannequins dressed. In the early morning hours of day 2, I walked my dog by the shop window to discover that the mischievous prankster had given up on subtlety, or the batty lady really had other things on her mind. Busty Mannequin had the goods on full display, wearing a purple skirt and an open cardigan over her shoulders. Her hair looked like she had been rolling around a parachute and a pile of combat boots with one of the mannequins a few doors over at Belmont Army. She had on lovely earrings. Busty Mannequin has a very fair complexion, and I can now tell you, nipples of the most delicate shade of pink. Busty Mannequin was a shoo-in for Day 2 after upping the ante so high in her shouts for attention, but then I rode down Milwaukee Avenue on my way home from work. I looked to the sidewalk, where I heard piano playing, and what the heck did I see? Of course: a chihuahua with a sombrero atop a piano that has traveled 14000 miles so far entertaining people on the streets of the USA. Don't do anything crazy, Busty mannequin. Your day will come.

P.S. There's another shot in the comments section if you click through to the flickr page.

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