Monday, September 3, 2012

Complete! Now what?

I did it.  I completed a full year of daily photographs, and you can see the set on flickr here:

Project 365 The Third

There's an entire leap year of photos on one page.  Of course you can see them here one entry at a time with slightly more in-depth writing.  As mentioned with the Spider-Man photo, 2013 will be a portrait each week.  Until then, I'm going to maintain a theme for each of the remaining months of 2012.  September, no great surprise, will be all about cycling.  Hopefully, I'll keep details of my bike and helmet to a minimum and actually capture something on the street every single day.  Three days are down so far, and I'm doing just fine.  They'll be posted shortly.  I am open to suggestions for themes for October, November, and December.  You can leave them in comments or emails.  You can use facebook, phone calls and text messages if I'm available to you that way.  I have twenty-seven days to choose a theme for October, and I'll be sniping cyclists like crazy til then.

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